TireRackFleet.com 866-566-5140

Application for Fleet Account

This application is intended to:

  1. Confirm your business meets the fleet tire program customer criteria.
  2. Determine the most suitable method of payment for your purchases.
Download Application (PDF) to Mail or Fax Instructions (PDF)

Contact Information
(Including Area Code)

If your telephone number is not listed with Directory Assistance, please provide a copy of your phone bill showing the phone number and business address.

Account Payable Contact Name:

Whom would you like us to contact with questions on this application?
(Including Area Code)
Business Information
Is your business a:

Legal name of owner(s) or corporate officer(s):


Fleet Account Payment Options

Approval is based on credit history and reference responses.

Please select the type of account you would prefer.


References are NOT required for credit card applicants.

Please list three major business credit references that are not financially linked to or otherwise supporting your business.
Fax numbers, email addresses and vendor account numbers are helpful.

Contact Name:

Contact Name:

Contact Name:

A copy of your business license is REQUIRED. Please fax to 866-580-5523 or email to creditapplicationfleet@tirerack.com.
Your fleet application will not be processed without it.
If your organization is tax exempt, submit your exemption form here.

To contact us regarding the status of this application, please email creditapplicationfleet@tirerack.com or call the Credit Department at 866-566-5140, ext. 4350.

The applicant hereby authorizes Tire Rack, any credit bureau, or any other investigative agency employees to contact the references given herein and to investigate any statements or other data obtained from applicant or any other person pertaining to the applicant's credit and financial responsibility. If outside intervention is required to collect payment, the applicant agrees to pay all fees incurred by Tire Rack for such outside assistance, including but not limited to attorneys' and collection agency fees. The applicant hereby authorizes Tire Rack to contact applicant by email with respect to matters involving applicant's account, including the collection of any amounts owed to Tire Rack.